What makes us different?





Edify • Encourage • Serve • Disciple •

“I love the fellowship at Carmel Baptist. I also feel like I learn something new every Sunday and Wednesday. It’s truly an amazing church.”

Shaun Davis

“I went from my childhood ‘til age 62 thinking I was saved, but the Lord touched me one January Morning. It was the best feeling of my life. I got baptized at the lake raining thunder and lightening. It was so AWESOME .”

Shelton Rich

*Saved at Carmel Baptist;
Baptized by Pastor Jordan Runion

“Carmel is a loving church where everyone is welcome and the word of God is proclaimed. A great place to hear about Jesus and to serve him.”

Doris & James Boyd

Kelly Partin

“If you’re looking for a church that truly feels like home, welcomes you in, and brings a light to your life through the mutual love of Jesus, outreach for community, and genuine warmth and care for every family. Come to Carmel Baptist Church. We joined in April of 2023, and the sense of unity, peace, and goodness that has enriched our lives since becoming part of this amazing family is overwhelming. We are so thankful for Carmel.” ♥